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Elder clarke gay videos porn

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It was a quiet, private, inquisitive moment… and yet, he felt himself becoming aroused.President Lewis went behind him, picking up a white rope from behind and tying his hands to each other. The nervous missionary did as he was told, all the while feeling a fresh pulse of blood flow toward his genitals. He sat in the chair, watching Lewis watch him back.“Put your arms behind your back,” the handsome president ordered. President Lewis seemed to actually be understanding-even possibly excited.Clarke stripped down to his garments, feeling himself become more curious as the moments passed.

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He’d offered up a few simple admissions, nothing that would condemn him, about his arousals and the looks he’s made toward his companions. A special secret that couldn’t be asked out loud.Elder Clarke wanted to see this through. It seemed less like he was asking questions than telling him something.

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He’d even thought it was inappropriate for President Lewis and not his mission president to be asking him such personal questions.But something about the look in Lewis’ eyes intrigued him. He had no idea how getting undressed would be helpful,but President Lewis insisted that he trust him.Clarke hadn’t really wanted to talk about his sexuality or his thoughts and fantasies. Elder Clarke took off his tie with some confusion, but mostly curiosity.

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